Greater Faith Baptist Church
Knowing that this website can never give you the full picture of Greater Faith Baptist Church, (GFBC), we want to give you a glimpse of the amazing things God is doing in our people, our community, and our world. But even more than what God is doing on the outside of us; He is shaping us from within and molding our hearts to be more like Him. We pray that God will spark your interest by what you see in our website so that you’ll want to learn more about us and the God we serve.
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Our purpose is to love God and others through Jesus Christ. We are a body of believers who know that no single one of us is complete without the gift of salvation from the One that makes us whole. We strive together to be more like the Savior, Jesus Christ, and to light the way for others to come to know Him. Our passion is to reach a lost and hurting world for Christ and to bring healing to the wounded hearts of those in our community. We want to reach out to you. 

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